We are currently in the process of searching for a new Pastor to serve our church. In the meantime, we are blessed to have some wonderful Supply Pastors that take turns serving our Church each Sunday:

Reverend Richard Waddell Jr.
“When the congregation of Fairbanks Union Church lost its previous pastor, I was asked to serve as Moderator of Session until a new pastor could be found. I accepted. Why? Because this is a church where members care for and support each other, and not only each other, but also the neighborhood and wider community of which the church is a part. This congregation takes seriously "loving one's neighbor as oneself." Why would anyone not want to be part of this love and care?”

Reverend Stan Wheeler
"It is a privilege and a pleasure to be able to worship with the good folks at the Fairbanks Union Church. The congregation is very welcoming and interested in deepening their faith."

Pastor MaryEllen Royce
“The Fairbanks Union Church members are genuinely attentive in expanding their own personal journey in faith, and I am humble to be asked to serve them. I also enjoy working with them on some undertakings as they put their faith into action through various projects both within the church community and the wider community.”

Pastor Rick Dorian
"It is a joy to be in community with the people of the Fairbanks Union Church. They are deeply committed to the great commandments to 'Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and to Love your neighbor as yourself' as seen in their service and missions."

Pastor Debby Bliss Bujnocki
“When I step into the warmth of your church -- in both locations -- I feel my spirit refreshed, knowing I am among friends. What a joy I have in exploring the Gospel with you!"

Pastor Louise McCleery
“I so enjoy being with the people at Fairbanks Union Church. They are always so welcoming and grateful. I love sharing what God is teaching me and how following Jesus has changed my life. They let me be me!”

The Session
The Session is the governing body for this Church, under the leadership of a Pastor or Moderator. Currently, Reverend Richard Waddell serves as our Moderator.
Front Row: Alison Hagerstrom, Treasurer; Karen Beacham, Hazel Doak, Cindy Kemble
Back Row: Tom Hagerstrom, Nancy Pond, Collector; Richard Waddell, Jr., Session Moderator; Emily Rackliffe, Millard Rackliffe, Clerk of Session
Not on Session: Joel Bunker, Assistant Treasurer

The role of a Deacon is to provide outreach to those in need, both in our church family and in our community. They also chair fundraisers throughout the year, which allows them to be able to provide this necessary mission.
Front Row: Jackie Tardiff, Doug Pond, Rita Smith
Back Row: Millard Rackliffe, Emily Rackliffe, President; Candy Hagerstrom, Tom Hagerstrom,
Celia Flint, Treasurer; Mary O’Donal
On Zoom: Ed Jesteadt, Secretary (and our resident snowbird!)
Other important functions of the church are met through the Worship Committee, Property Committee and Mission and Outreach.
The Worship Committee is chaired by Anne Smith. This committee is responsible for coordinating our Sunday worship services and other special services throughout the year.
The Property Committee is chaired by Cynthia Kemble. This committee oversees all church property to ensure that maintenance and repair happens in a timely manner to keep our church in good repair.